Hi! I’m a software engineer with 8 years of experience with development and architecture. I’m proficient in various languages & frameworks.
Available for freelance projects and employments.
About me
I’m a software engineer with a broad experience with different languages, tools and frameworks. I am interested in practically anything related to software development and architecture. My main focus are managed languages, including C#, Go, Ruby, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript — although I can deal with C/C++ code if needed, and can read most other languages as well.
In my professional work, I have:
- been responsible for integrating new hardware products into an industrial desktop configuration tool,
- worked a lot with C#/.NET and XAML/WPF,
- automated JVM-related builds with Gradle and GitLab CI,
- orchestrated large .NET builds with Cake, MSBuild and Jenkins,
- designed and developed static websites, and deployed them using Jekyll
- become quite experienced with Git,
- automated personal workflows using Google Apps Script,
- wrote a small web scraper,
- experimented with React, React Native and Expo,
- programmatically created Development VMs using Vagrant,
- worked with Docker (although only at small scales),
- written an IDE extension for IntelliJ IDEA,
- written parsers for said IDE extension
…and a lot of other stuff.
I’m also an avid dancer and professional dance teacher – the latter of which has taught me a lot about how people learn, and how to keep them motivated.
Where to find me
Latest blog posts
Projects & portfolio
Personal Blog | Technical Writing
Personal blog about software: „Insights into a Coder's Brain“
My personal blog about coding and my journey with different technologies and frameworks.
Web Design | Visual Design, Implementation & Deployment
Created using Jekyll, Bootstrap and SASS/SCSS. Design (incl. logo), realization and content (except photos). Written in German.
Open source projects
Software | Jekyll Plugin
Simple Jekyll plugin that enables including resources from non-Jekyll gems into the site build.